Contract addresses

Our contract is deployed on SOLANA Mainnet

List of HolyGrails deployed Blockchain addresses on Mainnet

Update May 2023 The new contract / program address (Version 2) is hgopH9G1FRn37oqjJJ83o9RDpUCcQXL9ZDcAZ5Pg7xB. The Holygrails team has updated the Solana marketplace contract with the latest functionality because the Version 1 contract does not support programmable NFT trading on a secondary marketplace. Programmable NFTs (pNFTs) were updated in Candy Machine V3. Now, the contract version has been updated with new features as per Metaplex Candy Machine V3

*** deprecated old contract address The old contract / program address (Version 1) deprecated from 01.05.2023 is hgednk3XtQcyz8wFSEAN8fzLqupQB4AVor1NGbGwfwf, which is an NFT marketplace contract providing users with facilities to list and trade NFTs on a secondary marketplace. However, the recent Candy Machine V3 was updated with programmable NFTs. Therefore, this contract was unable to handle those collections minted on programmable NFTs or based on Metaplex Candy Machine V3.

Token address: HezGWsxSVMqEZy7HJf7TtXzQRLiDruYsheYWqoUVnWQo


Wallet for 25% Staking


Wallet for 5% Volume Rewards


Wallet for 0,05% Liquidity


Wallet for 9,95% Founder Vesting


Wallet for 10% Treasury


Wallet for 50% Airdrop, Marketing, KOL


Staking addresses

Volume rewards addresses

$HOLY Volume rewards addresses

$SOL Volume rewards addresses

Last updated